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Declaration of Results – E2023/23 – Stage 3

The results of the election for the following offices conducted in accordance with the provisions of the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009 and the rules of the organisation are:
Secretary (1)


Why join one of our MTA Queensland Industry Committees

  • Professional development – Service on a Committee can provide (and fine-tune) invaluable professional development skills that can advance your professional career. This includes skills such as public speaking, networking and leadership.
  • Make a difference – Support and advocate for the industry you feel strongly about! Automotive dealers have had a significant recent policy win regarding Sunday trading by active campaigning through the combined effort of MTA Queensland and industry.
  • Business development and networking – Working on a formal Committee gives you unique opportunities to represent, promote and advance your industry and who better to do that than you… the industry expert.
  • Boost your career – Our Committee Chairs are MTA Queensland Board Directors. Becoming a Director has significant opportunities and opens new pathways for future pursuits, as well as featuring on your resume.

Further Commitment:

  • Our Committees meet 3 to 4 times per financial year
  • Outside of the South East? No problem, if you can’t travel away from your business you can participate by teleconference.
  • The Committee structure comprises of Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary and Committee Members.

If you have any questions call member services today on (07) 3237 8777 or email [email protected].

If you are not the right person in the organisation please pass this information on to Management.