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MTA Queensland State Budget Brief 2024-25

The Queensland Government handed down its 2024-25 Budget on 11 June 2024. We have reviewed the budget and outlined a range of key initiatives that may affect MTA Queensland members and MTA Institute clients. 

Economic Outlook 

Queensland’s economic growth is predicted to rise from 2.3 per cent in 2022–23 to 3 per cent in both 2023–24 and 2024–25. This growth will be fueled by a significant increase in exports, partly due to the easing of capacity constraints, and ongoing growth in public infrastructure investments. 

Household budgets are still under pressure due to higher mortgage rates and other living expenses, leading to slower consumption growth in 2023–24. However, consumption growth is expected to rebound to pre-pandemic levels by 2025–26. 

The Queensland economy is forecasted to maintain solid growth at 2.5 per cent in 2025–26, supported by sustained growth in domestic activities as household spending improves. 

Small Business 

In the 2024-25 Budget, the government is providing additional funding of $19.7M over 3 years to deliver the Queensland Small Business Strategy 2024-27. This forms part of a total investment of over $250M over 3 years to deliver a range of actions, including: 

  • Additional funding for grants to support businesses to implement workforce solutions 
  • New investment in cybersecurity support and safer retail precincts 
  • Continuation of the $650 rebate on electricity bills for eligible small business (co funded by the Queensland and Australian Governments) 
  • Assistance to help small business recover from natural disaster events, including through wellness coaching and financial counselling  
  • Continuation of the small business grants program  
  • Expanded access to mentoring and upskilling  

Other relevant actions: 

  • 20 per cent reduction in registration fee and traffic improvement fee components of motor vehicle registration for all light vehicles for 12 months. 
  • Extension of Regional Payroll Tax Discount to support regional businesses and incentivise the hiring of local workers, through to 30 June 2030. 


  • Great Jobs, Great Training: Queensland Skills Strategy 2024-28 
    Additional funding of $203.1M over 2 years, as part of a total investment of $370M, to kickstart the new Good Jobs, Great Training: Queensland Skills Strategy 2024-28.  
  • Free TAFE (Subsidised tuition fees for all Queensland trainees and apprentices)
    An additional 30,000 places in 2024 through to 2026.  
  • Apprentice and trainee payroll tax exemptions  
    Most apprentice and trainee wages rates are exempt from payroll tax.  
  • Extension of 50 per cent payroll tax rebate for apprentices and trainees 
    The 50 per cent payroll tax rebate for wages paid to apprentices and trainees will be extended for 12 months until 30 June 2025.  

Other key concessions that individuals could be eligible for in 2024-25 include: 

  • VET – Higher Level Skills Tuition Fee Subsidy  
    Subsidies to undertake a priority Certificate IV, diploma or advanced diploma qualification or industry endorsed skillset through the VET – High Level Skills Tuition Fee Subsidy  
  • Travel and Accommodation Subsidy  
    Financial assistance for apprentices and trainees to cover the cost of travel incurred in attending off-the-job training at a registered training organisation through the Travel and Accommodation Subsidy. 
  • User Choice – Apprentice and Trainee Training Subsidy 
    Subsidies to pre-approved public and private registered training organisations to subsidise the cost of training and assessment for eligible Queensland apprentices and trainees, or complementary pathways through the User Choice system  


The 2024-25 Budget includes capital investment of around $26B over 4 years to deliver the Queensland Energy and Jobs Plans. This includes new publicly owned investments, including: 

  • $16.5B for renewable energy and storage projects 
  • $500M for distribution network storage, including Energy Queensland’s Local Network Battery Plan and Local Renewable Energy Zone Pilot Projects 
The Budget in full can be found HERE.
13 June 2024