Can you believe there are only three months left in 2023? We are deep in the planning stage for the upcoming Auto Women Dinner on Friday, 6th October at the Glen Hotel here in Brisbane and I look forward to catching up with many of the women who make our industry great there!
On the topic of Auto Women, applications are now open for our professional development scholarships! These scholarships are a fantastic opportunity for two women in the automotive industry to progress their leadership credentials and potential career prospects. Applications close on Friday, 29th September.
The Motor Trades Association of Australia (MTAA) recently published the ‘Unfair Contract Terms in the automotive industry: Everything you need to know’ guide to help small business owners prepare for the impending legislative changes coming into effect from 10th November 2023.
This guide, the first such document for the automotive industry, covers everything business owners need to know about unfair contract terms, including what they are, how to identify them, and how to protect themselves from them.
MTA Queensland was pleased to be able to work with the MTAA to bring this guide to publication, and I encourage all members to download it today to ensure they are prepared.
Finally, I would like to echo Rod’s sentiment about the EV Transition Workshops and I thank all our members who have come along! It has been excellent meeting with you all and listening in on some insightful conversations about the future of our industry.
14 September 2023