Just got your driver licence?
Want to know more about your car?
Interested in driver/passenger safety?
This course is designed for those who are interested in gaining valuable information and learning good practices for everyday vehicle use. The result: a safer journey with less breakdowns and repairs.
If you have ever wanted to learn how to carry out preventative maintenance, then this course is for you. Topics covered through the course include:
- Benefits of Vehicle Servicing
- What Constitutes a Services
- Periodical Service Routines
- Oils and Greases
- Suggested Service Schedule
- Jump-Starting a Vehicle
- Hoist Safety
- Component Identification
- Routine Tyre and Wheel Inspection
MTA Queensland, Freeway Office Park, Building 8, 2728 Logan Road, Eight Mile Plains.
This is a non-accredited MTA Queensland course delivered by MTA Institute’s qualified trainers. Assessments will not be conducted to attain a formal qualification, however a statement of participation will be issued to learners for successfully completing the course.
The MTA Institute trainers are serious about safety. Learners must be prepared for some hands-on activities, therefore correct personal protective equipment must be worn (ie. fully enclosed shoes eg. joggers, workshop boots; jeans or trousers; and a comfortable shirt – no singlets). Other protective equipment will be provided to learners for use on the day.
Note: Each class size is limited to six learners.
Dates confirmed on confirmation of numbers
Light refreshments provided
MTAQ member fee is $79 incl. GST
Non-member fee is $99 incl. GST
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