MTA Queensland and the AADA (Australian Automotive Dealer Association) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) which commits the two organisations to stronger cooperation for the benefit of Queensland’s automotive franchise Dealers.

The MoU recognises MTA Queensland as the peak body representing franchise Dealers in Queensland and the AADA as the peak industry body representing franchise Dealers nationally. It commits both associations to closer cooperation and sharing of resources and paves the way for Queensland Franchise Dealers to be represented by one voice.

“This model of advocacy will bring significant benefits to Franchise Dealers in Queensland, and I am looking forward to combining the strengths and resources of MTA Queensland and the AADA as the industry embraces a period of change,” said Rod Camm, CEO of MTA Queensland. “MTA Queensland has a strong and proud history of providing essential core services to dealers and the broader industry by the way of workforce development and skills training, apprenticeship programs, industrial relations, and state-based advocacy. This will remain our core purpose.”

Closer collaboration and a more unified voice will be a true benefit to Dealers added James Voortman, CEO of AADA.
“We have heard from so many Dealers that they want coordination and cooperation between their national and state bodies and this agreement with MTA Queensland puts us a step closer to having Dealers represented by one voice,” he said.

By signing this MoU, AADA and MTAQ agree to the following immediate actions:

• Acknowledging AADA as the peak industry body representing Queensland franchise Dealers at a national level
• Acknowledging MTAQ as the peak industry body representing franchise Dealers at in Queensland
• MTAQ representation at AADA committee meetings
• AADA representation at MTAQ dealer committee meetings
• Coordination of messaging on policy positions, submissions and media releases

By signing this MoU, AADA and MTAQ agree to work towards the following actions:

• Embedding a shared resource within the MTAQ
• Enabling Dealers to streamline the payment of membership fees for AADA/MTAQ services.

Read the full media release HERE.

Source: Motor Trader e-Magazine (February 2025) 

14 March 2025