Car Buying Sentiment Survey Shows Aussies Want New Cars on a Budget

A national survey by online financial brokers Savvy into car buying sentiments has shown that 42 per cent of respondents have their eye set on a brand-new vehicle.

45 per cent of men and 38 per cent of women expressed this view, with numbers staying in the low to mid-40s among most demographics except the 18-24 cohort (34 per cent).

26 per cent of Australians will look for something second hand, while 22 per cent will consider an ex-demo model. Only 4 per cent of Australians will consider an ex-fleet or auction sold car.

Of the 1000 respondents to the survey, 35 per cent said they would spend $25,000 or less; 32 per cent reported they will spend between $26,000-$40,000, while 29 per cent will spend between $40,000-$80,000. Only 3 per cent said they were prepared to spend more than $80,000.

Source: Motor Trader e-Magazine (November 2023)

15 November 2023