In discussions I have with businesses from all over Queensland, one question comes up time and again: “Can you get me skilled techs?” I often comment to business owners that “if we had 100 of them, I’d have all of them placed by the end of the week.” Skilled techs are hard to find in the current labour market.
There is no easy answer. We have a major skills shortage that is not going to be resolved any time soon. ‘Growing your own’ skilled labour from the available talent pool is the best way forward, but many businesses tell me they are already employing as many apprentices as they can and need a quick solution for addressing immediate skills needs.
One option businesses can look at as an immediate solution is accessing skilled migrants. However, businesses often find it a minefield to navigate the process and put it in the too-hard basket. “Where do I start?” is the most common question that I hear when I mention the skilled migration option.
On Wednesday, 17 July 2024, I will be facilitating a free webinar that will include experts from the Australian Government and WorkinAus, a domestic and international jobs board provider, who will provide you with in-depth details on skilled migration and how to navigate the environment if you want to introduce skilled migration as a workforce solution to your business. You can come and listen and ask questions from these experts so that you leave the webinar with a good understanding of the topic and the people and resources you can access to help you employ skilled migrants.
Once you have found skilled migrants that you want to bring into your business, it is essential that you understand how to support these workers to settle into their new roles and communities. This includes cultural orientation, language support, and professional development opportunities, and could also include finding appropriate housing. By creating a welcoming and supportive environment, businesses can ensure their investment in skilled migration pays off both in terms of employee satisfaction, overall business success and of course, staff retention.
To support businesses develop an inclusive environment, I will also facilitate a further free webinar on Thursday, 30 July 2024, conducted in collaboration with an organisation that specialises in migrant settlement services, Multicultural Australia. This webinar will provide you with the opportunity to hear from experts and to ask questions if you are indeed looking to set your workplace up for skilled migrants.
By participating in the upcoming webinars, you can gain the knowledge and tools needed to navigate the skilled migration process effectively and make informed decisions that benefit both your organisation, your industry, and the broader community.
The Industry Workforce Advisor program is funded by the Queensland Government as part of the Good People, Good Jobs: Queensland Workforce Strategy 2022-2032.
18 June 2024